NDIS Glossary – NDIS Language Vs English Language

August 22nd, 2021

A simple NDIS glossary is necessary to assist participants (or their representative/s) to understand the various NDIS terms used – especially important in the earlier stages of applying for, or receiving NDIS funding.

Participant is a person who has an NDIS plan and receives funding.

Prospective Participant is waiting for confirmation to be covered under the NDIS.

Provider is the business that delivers a service or product (Physio)

The Plan is the paperwork that says what your funding is covering and also documents your goals.

Supports are the help you are given for your everyday activities so you can reach your goals and be part of the community.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the organisation that manages the NDIS.

Local Area Coordinator (LAC) are the NDIA staff who ensure that you are welcomed into the community and they link you to support and information.

Access Request is how to check online if you are NDIS eligible.

Mainstream Services are services that provide support to everyone and not just people with a disability.

Formal Supports are supports that need payment.

Informal Supports are supports that you do not pay for such as something that your family or friends give you.

Plan Nominee is a nominated person who can make decisions for the person who does not have parents or a guardian for help.

Multi-disciplinary team is a team of multi-skilled people who work together to support a person who needs their help.

The Sector is the organisations and businesses that supply services to people with disability.

Price Guide is the list of costs supplied by NDIS.

Review of Decisions is a process to review if your plan is wrong.

A service Agreement explains what you and your provider are responsible for and what supports you will receive and the amount that will be invoiced to the NDIS for those supports.

You may also find these links useful:

What you Need to know – NDIS Financial Management Terminology

Planning for NDIS success

Ross McDonald

Ross is the CEO and founder of Capital Guardians. He has an extensive career in financial management and tech solutions development. Having first created Capital Guardians as a solution for aged care over a decade ago, so his expertise in payments and invoicing for people in protected settings is second to none.

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